Friday, December 14, 2007

Lauren Conrad Celebrity Workout

Want to Look Better Than a Celebrity?
Try Lauren's Workout Fit Yummy Mummy Style

"Pick up a copy of the January 2008 issue of Shape magazine, and you'll see a toned and trim Lauren Conrad on the cover. Known for her dramatic antics on The Hills, this reality gal has recently made some dramatic changes to her body."

- Not exactly my first impression. I actually see a very slim photo of Lauren Conrad. I received my issue of Shape magazine in the mail a few days ago and was surprised to see Lauren on the cover of a fitness magazine.

Based on what it takes to get lean and toned I also noticed that Lauren's workout falls a bit short. Especially when I read this line in the article...."Jarett has me do a lot of reps with smaller weights because he's not trying to build muscle so much as get my body toned."

This is a MYTH! Light Weight with High Reps will NOT deliver a Toned Body. Plus - women simply cannot get bulky with muscles. Fat, yes. Muscles, no.

Toning is due to an increase in muscle tissue coupled with a low enough body fat percentage to see the definition and shape of the muscles. So what is the point of Lauren's workout if you are not going to build muscle? Read The Most Powerful Fat Burner to help refresh your memory.

Bottom line - Muscle Burns Fat. Muscle gives your body shape and definition.

Low-weight/ high-rep workouts simply boost muscle endurance - not your metabolism. If fat loss is your goal and you would like to achieve a lean, fit, toned body - then your workouts must include challenging resistance training exercises - not endurance driven, light weight, circuit based workouts.

Follow along with Lauren's workout and you may initially lose weight but will quickly plateau for you are doing nothing to challenge your muscles and boost your metabolism. If you'd like to get the Lean and Toned results that Lauren Conrad claims she has, I suggest you switch your goal from weight loss to fat loss and make the following adjustments.

Lauren Conrad’s Workout -Fit Yummy Mummy Style
Turn her 30- to 60-minute circuit-training sessions into a 15 minute Fat Blaster with short burst resistance training super sets. Bands are a great alternative when you have no other choice. To get the best results trade the bands for dumbbells, choose a weight that makes 10-12 reps feel challenging.

A1. Squat and Press:
A2. Row: Switch this to a Bent Over Row and activate the muscles in your core.

Complete A1 and A2 3 times in a row with little to no rest before moving to the next super set.

B1. Lunge and Curl: Make the lunge more challenging by stepping forward instead of the stationary lunge.
B2. Resisted push-up: How many of you can do a regular push up? Based on what I see, I doubt Lauren can do a regular one let alone a resisted push up. Regular old push ups will provide you with the resistance you need. If you are building your strength - begin on your knees and advance to the traditional push up. Already there? Then try a decline push up - feet elevated!

Complete B1 and B2 3 times in a row with little to no rest before moving to the next super set.

C1. Butt Blaster - Not what I would choose - difficult to get your form right - notice in the magazine Jarett has to guide her. Try a Hip Extension instead - if these are too easy, try it with one leg elevated.
C2. Triceps Extension - Isolated movements such as these are not in my fat blasting, Short Burst Exercises. Instead, trade this for one of my Favorite Core Exercises.

Complete C1 and C2 3 times in a row with little to no rest before moving to the next super set.

There you have it, Lauren Conrad's celebrity workout - Fit Yummy Mummy Style.

Try both versions of workouts for yourself and you will quickly realize the difference. Be sure to Sign Up for your Fit Yummy Mummy Workout System once you do so you can reclaim a lean, toned Fit Yummy Mummy Body!

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