I'm not an Idiot, I'm just BUSY!
Moms – the plain and simple fact is….we are busy. Busy to the point that when we make our way down the aisle at the store, our eyes are drawn to the products that look and SAY …”I’m healthy!”
The comment above was made by a busy mom who is very close to me – my son’s step-mom, Michele. She had called me asking if I heard about the new Capri Sun Roaring waters for kids. She was excited that she had found such a great, healthy drink for the boys.
I was skeptical….It IS Capri Sun….so my first response was that she flip that package around and take a look at the ingredients list. She was silent at first as she quickly skimmed through the list. In a matter of seconds she could not hold back her surprise.
This is what she found:
“I’m not an idiot, I’m just busy” as she explained to me that the entire reason she even picked this product up was the fact that it stated – all natural, made with fruit PLUS it had the green “Sensible Solutions” flag on the corner.
Based on the information listed in the ingredients list, it’s not much different than drinking Kool-Aid or soda.
And what is “natural”? "Natural" is defined by the USDA as any product "containing no artificial ingredient or added color and [that] is only minimally processed (a process which does not fundamentally alter the raw product)."
Yes, we all need to be drinking more water. But since when should water contain a list of strange ingredients and no one needs the extra sugar.
Your lesson here today…"Sensible Solutions" deserve a second look. A busy mom should not sacrifice the time it takes to take a peek inside the foods we (and our children) are consuming.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sensible Solutions for Busy Moms
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I want Results and Fast
I'll Have What She's Having
Want to know what are these women doing to get such fast and amazing results?
Well, if you are fortunate to catch one of these ladies and ask them to share their secrets ...and they always are more than willing to do so....you will most likely be taken aback. 99.9% of every successful woman I have worked with tell their friends, family and co-workers that they eat more and exercise less to Get Fast Results!
I know! Quite opposite of what many women expect to hear.
Unfortunately the truth is, our busy lives and minds are bombarded with deceptive quick fix diets, magic pills, the latest "break through" techniques, gadgets and fads... filling the TV we watch and the magazines we read.
For EXAMPLE: $518 million dollars a year is made from the sale of exercise equipment through infomercials... and $207 million of that is from abdominal machines alone!
Here's the biggest shocker......AB machines do absolutely NOTHING to remove the fat from your belly. Yet we are obviously buying these things....they are getting $207 mil from somewhere!
(I will admit that I fell into this category a couple times in my life...The Ab roller was a huge craze and I was all about getting a flat belly - I mean look at the models! They make it look so easy!)
Well there is nothing to be ashamed of if you own and are still using these devices and/or plans. You needed a solution - and quick - and they make it look so easy!
Well the overabundance of this kind of misinformation leads us to adopt unrealistic expectations of what it takes to get the body we desire. Let's face it....we are too busy and we want results yesterday, so anything that is made to look effortless is the most appealing to us.
Out of desperation, we make snap decisions.
Add the fact that every time we "begin" one of these "plans" we end up frustrated, unable to either see results or unable to stick with it.
This experience then leads to painful feelings of guilt, failure, low self-esteem...thoughts that we are just not good enough to follow the "plan"....we just don't deserve anything more than what we have right now.
It does not have to be this way.
Are you ready to break this cycle of failure and frustration?
You have to start somewhere.
You are HERE.
It is my not only my goal, but my passion to reveal the solution that guarantees results, every single time. So consider the solution these women have chosen and be sure to check in on a daily basis as I share the very tips and strategies women just like you are using to get their body back.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Fat Loss Habits
After cutting back on hours of cardio a week (which was actaully causing me to gain weight) and implementing the Fit Yummy Mummy workouts just 3 times a week...I lost a whopping 5 inches in my waist and my body fat dropped to 16%!
I am a real person, a busy mom just like you – and I have bad habits just like everyone else….the difference is – I now know what it is doing to my body.....
For instance, instead of eating my supportive snacks the other day – I chose to eat the candy that is now on every corner of every counter and desk due to the upcoming Halloween season.
In fact afterwards I was sharing with my friend that I just felt so gross after doing this. I was looking for someone to commiserate with so I stated – “You know what it feels like when you eat bad…” She looked at me with a sense of confusion, an inability to relate.
I quickly realized that she really didn’t know.
And that there are so many people out there who really don’t know how good it feels to eat supportively. What you eat is just as important as how you workout. The natural consequences of breaking the “good for you” habits is powerful enough to make you think twice about not getting back on track.
Julie Powers, Mother of 3
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
4 Week Fat Loss
The 4 Week Fat Loss Results:
I am starting to feel like The Fit Yummy Mummy I desire to be.
Jennifer Hurley, Age 27, Mom to 3 month old daughter
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby