Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Back to School, Back to You

Tyler's 1st Day of 1st Grade

This morning my son Tyler went back to school, this time in the "big boy grade" - as he likes to call it - donning his new Batman backpack which held his school supplies and his new Scooby Doo lunch box - shaped just like the Mystery Van.

I can't believe this guy is in First Grade!

The summer passed way too quickly especially when it seems that Kentucky schools are back in session weeks before others. After I dropped him off I went back home to get some work done and I have to tell you, it is way too quiet now! I miss the kid who runs throughout the house - "thinking" about his latest Star Wars, Batman or Scooby Doo adventure.

Kids grow too dang fast! So if you have the luxury of a spending a few more weeks with your children before they go back to school, I sure hope you do so. Especially after this week, in preparing him to get back into the school routine...Tyler seemed a bit more independent...and I know that independence will continue to develop.

I'd also like you to think ahead to your plans once your children do go back to school. There are a few things worth considering.

For one, with the kids back in school, what type of time does this give back to you?

I know summer plans often take priority over our intentions of sticking to a fitness plan. So now is a great time to think about how you will use an extra hour or so a day to help you get back on track and into a routine that allows you to look and feel your best.

Another point to consider, I noticed how all the teachers made comments about how much Tyler has grown over the summer months. You know, our children are not the only ones who are noticed....you are noticed as well.

What types of changes have you made?
A delicate topic to consider, but you know it happens.

Moms compare Moms. Now that you will be back into the school scene, what type of impression will you be leaving?

I know a lot of moms who are tired of being compared, tired of feeling ashamed, and tired of feeling like they have to hide behind everyone else for they feel embarrassed about how they look - the attention is really is greater when you attend school events - or do you tend to avoid getting involved because of these factors?

The time to make a difference is now.
Whether you have one week or even a whole month before school starts, the choices you make now can impact how you feel about yourself and in turn can bring about a more uplifting string of results for you.

4 Step Back to School Action Plan

1.. Renew Your Commitment
Before you even begin to schedule that first workout or plan your meals for the week, you must take a moment to revisit why you want to do this in the first place. When you have a strong reason WHY you want to make a change, you are more likely to stick with it.

If you have not yet done so, write your goals down and state your reasons why this is so important to you and post your goal sheet in a place where you can see it often. For a great Fat Loss Blueprint, be sure to log in to ClubFYM.com

2.Create a schedule
What time will you have available that can be spent on taking care of you?

Your workouts are just as important as the daily tasks that wind up in a slot on your schedule. When you write down your intentions, you are more likely to follow through.

(TIP: you do not need to block off a full hour if you do not have it. A simple 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there will suffice)

3. Give Your Kitchen a Once Over
Your workouts are only half the fat loss battle. What you are eating is the other. It will be extremely difficult to stay on track and see fast results if your kitchen is filled with junk. Toss the chips, cookies, candy, ready to eat boxed meals, sugar laden cereals, etc.

4. Do Something Different
Summer shcedules tend to create habits that get in the way of out fitness goals....from sleeping in, to skipping a workout for it is too hot or too pretty outside, to indulging in one too may summer treats. If you just begin by identifying one habit you created this summer and replace it with a habit that brings with it positive results, then you are moving in the right direction.

So instead of talking yourself into sleeping in again tomorrow, just think of how much more you can accomplish by waking up 10 minutes earlier - having that time just for you.

Put these 4 tips into action and you will kick start your Back to School Fitness plan - Making the all about getting Back to YOU.

Take the action that will allow you begin losing 1-2 pounds of fat per week. What an impression this will make as you get involved with the new events this school year has to offer....and the memories you help to create with your children are priceless!

For additional support, motivation and resources be sure to join www.ClubFYM.com


Anonymous said...

All my kids are grown up. I miss the first day of school. I miss my kids. :(
Like you said...be grateful for the time you have w/the kids. They grow up way too fast.

Sandra McG said...

He is SO ADORABLE (what a sweet pic of you two)! I bet your house is soooo quiet today, with the source of that precious little-boy energy away for a few hours.

I agree that time with our kids is to be treasured and means more than all the world! In fact, that is one reason we have chosen to homeschool Rachel. It does mean it's harder for me to have "me time" but OTOH the "we time" is so wonderful. I can't imagine my life any other way. :)

I also relate to the "not wanting to feel compared anymore" feeling you described - you're right that moms do get noticed too, sometimes for the right reasons, other times for the wrong ones. Of course, I most want to be noticed as a good mom (don't we all) but part of being a good mom is being a healthy, happy person too, right?

Thanks for sharing such a special moment in your family's life, and for your encouraging words and suggestions! God bless you!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Time sure passes quickly! What a big guy ;)