Bikini Season is Right Around the Corner...
Give your Results a Kick in the Butt by reading the stories of a small sample of the amazing women of ClubFYM!
Halfway through challenge!
I cannot beleive I am halfway though the challenge ,I feel so much better. I have lost five pounds. I have lost 2 inches in my waist. I am starting the elimination diet today and I am hoping to lose some cellulite in my thighs. The best part having so much energy ! ~ Allison Bolton, Mom of 6
Half Way there!
"I loved the picture Holly posted recently with this pose, so I decided I needed to see what my back looked like - all I can say is my back has NEVER looked like this! This is all due to my Fit Yummy Mummy workouts and supportive nutrition. " ~ Lisa, Mom of 3
Do you have any idea what you have done?
"Honestly, I have never been happier than I am right now, sitting infront of my laptop and writing to all of you.
I have set some goals for my personal life and career and have actually started achieving them.
I am a different person now, I have made a really huge change in my life and even though I know I took those steps, I have to say thank you! Thank you to Holly and thank you to all of you, I bet you have no idea what role you play in someone's life and I want to tell you that you all play a huge role in my life!"
My body is shrinking! My body feels strong!
"I have so much more energy and mental clarity!
So, THIS is what it feels like to be ALIVE! This is GOOD!
For the first time ever, I feel like I will succeed in transforming my body and mind!
The Fit Yummy Mummy workouts have been so amazing! I can't believe how strong my body is becoming after only 5 weeks of exercise 3 days a week!
I get up early every morning now! I love that time to myself! My husband keeps saying he is getting his wife back, but enhanced! LOL! I can now do almost 16 kneeling push ups! I couldn't even do a set when I first started. My arms are starting to show a shape under my "fluff". I like that they don't have you pounding on your feet for long periods of time! I can handle the 15 min cardio and the resistance training definitely gets my heart pounding! My asthmatic lungs are getting stronger too!
Mar. 1:
weighing 220 I weigh 210! Lost 10 lbs.!!! :-)
Chest: 41" 39.5"
Waist: 40" 38"
Abdomen: 46" 43" 3 INCHES!!
Hips: 47" 45.5"
Body Fat: 37.1%
On Mar. 31 I have lost a total of 10 pounds, 10 total inches and 2% bodyfat!! FYM ROCKS!! Plus, I have cut out all the sugar and processed foods and have never felt better!
The biggest change I am noticing still is my new mindset! I just feel happy and I haven't experienced this in awhile! I see this lifestyle as a lifestyle! I know I am losing pounds and inches, cuz I just plain feel different! THIS IS LIVING!! My attitude has shifted from "I don't think I can do that" to "I KNOW I can do that"! THANKS, HOLLY for FYM!
P.S. My wedding ring is about halfway to fitting again! :-) YES!!!" ~ Mary Dikeman, Mom of two.
Holly came for a visit last Saturday, March 22nd.
Now, you have to understand that I had some slight anxiety about this visit. I knew that she would be checking me out to see how I was looking, as I was going to be entering into my 6th week of the TC. I knew that she would also be taking measurements. I had anxiety because I wanted so badly to have some success, being Holly's sister.
When she arrived, I tried to read her facial expressions. She was, as always, very complimentary, as a sister should be. She gave me a warm, happy hug. Then, we went over some of the exercises and ironed out some moves. Mom and I worked together (to see who was better.) Heehee!
Then, as I had dreaded, Holly asked for my tape measure. I took my time finding it, and then let Mom go first. She has been a little frustrated since she hasn't seen much change on the scale...but when Holly took her measurements, she found that she had lost 2" in her hips!! She was so happy! was my turn...
Well, wouldn't you know...I too lost 2" in my hips and 2" in my Mommy Belly!
Woo Hoo!! I AM seeing results! I later measured my bicep and found that I lost .5" there and 1" in my Upper Thighs, too!! Yes!! I'm doing something right!
I love you, Holly. Thank you for giving me a new perspective on living a Healthy Life. I can't wait to see where I am by the end of the challenge! We are DOING THIS, LADIES!!" ~ Carrie Ann Felger, Mom of two.
Thin and Skinny to Fit and Yummy by Working out Less

Fit Yummy Mummy has Change my Body and My LIFE
I have a renewed spirit about myself.
I have found a new outlook in my life.
I am surrounded by support every day. The moms that are on the FYM forum are the best friends you could ever imagine. They are caring and supportive. They are in your face about the truth. I have taken so much from my friends at FYM. I believe God put FYM in my life to inspire me, to light a fire in me and keep me on track! We are like a family. We are here for each other and we keep each other accountable.
That’s what it’s all about."
~ Susan Pearson, Mom of Three
Losing 21 Pounds and Finding Me
"I have had such great support from other FYM's and I think that has really helped me. I told Holly in the beginning that I wanted “ME” back, the “me” that is hidden beneath all this fat and for the first time in eleven years I feel like that is possible and this is why:
December 2007 when I entered the PoshMama Makeover challenge:
I weighed 312 pounds
January 14th 2008 first day of Fit Yummy Mummy with Holly:
Weight 310 pounds
February 5th beginning of the Transformation Challenge:
Weight: 303.8
size: 26
height: 5"7
waist: 45 ½
hips: 56
chest: 48
arms: 20
thighs: 32
And now March 30th 2008:

Weight: 282
size: 22 (almost a 20!)
height: 5"7
waist: 40 ½
hips: 48 ½
chest: 42
arms: 16
thighs: 26
That is 21 pounds and over 29 total inches lost in just 8 weeks! All from following the Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System!
Holly is awesome not just for what she has done for me but what she has done for my kids. She has given me the tools and support to live again and live to see my kids and someday grandkids grow up. I know with each day I am adding years to my life and that is so amazing. "
~ Stacey Brown, 30, Mom of Troy age 10, Chance age 9, Dustin age 7 and Peydan age 3.
Transformation Challenge
success stories by joining ClubFYM
and transform YOUR Life today!
hello! its really inspiring to read all these stories.
Wow, you ladies are so inspiring. I'll be joining you with great results soon.
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