Monday, November 26, 2007

5 Tips to Crush Holiday Cravings

Overcome Cravings During the Holidays

Holidays = shopping, travel, stress and an abundance of tasty holiday food - especially sweets. They are everywhere!
Not the best combination when your goal is to look and feel great over the holidays. Many articles even poke fun of the fact that "stressed" spelled backwards is DESSERTS! No wonder so many of us find ourselves more plump at the turn of the New Year.
You can take control over those holiday cravings when you have a plan in place. No matter how busy you are, the following strategies will allow you to crush cravings and stay on track.
1. Did you know.....a craving can only last for 15 minutes - then it goes away?
Make a list of things you can do to distract yourself for 15 minutes. When a craving hits, grab a bottle of water and get to that activity - you can even set a timer. Once you hit 15 minutes...your cravings are gone!
TIP: include some form of workouts on your list....exercise is a natural appetite suppressant.
2. Beat Cravings with Breakfast: Start each and every day with a high fiber, quality protein breakfast. Not only will breakfast supercharge your metabolism so you burn more calories all day long, but doing so will also keep you satisfied and naturally keep holiday cravings away.
3. Eat Often: After a supportive breakfast, eating a balanced meal or snack every 3 to 4 hours will also help to keep you on track, energized and satisfied. Make sure every meal or snack includes a quality protein.
4. Schedule your Treats: Plan when you will have those special holiday treats ahead of time. This allows you to enjoy that sweet snack without the guilt and allows you to stay on track the rest of the time. Cutting out the sweets while "on track" also helps to curb those cravings.
5. DeStress Yourself: Sometimes cravings are simply STRESS related. Practice other ways to cope with stress - go for a walk , spiritual connections, a cozy fireplace, hot baths...all these stimulate neurochemicals that activate regions of the brain that stimulate pleasure associated with eating something sweet.
One of the key reasons for holiday weight gain is we start eating more and exercising less. It might be we get too busy, too tired, or just too full with all that food, but don’t forsake your eating and exercise program. You can make your Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System a priority today.

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