Tuesday, March 25, 2008

3 Keys to Weight Loss for Moms

End the Struggle, Get Your Body Back

Jan Ferrante, The Queen of Kaos, the gives you the inside scoop on how to be successful with Fit Yummy Mummy as well as how the amazing support system found at ClubFYM makes all the difference to true and lasting results.

"The end of this week will mark the half way point of the Fit Yummy Transformational Challenge.

It seems like hardly any time has passed.


The funny thing is that the biggest change I am seeing - and feeling - is not in my size.

It's in my attitude.

I had been "intending to lose", the last 10 lbs for about a year. Ever since I started packing it back on after our local gym closed. I had lost 10 lbs there, vowed not to fall into my old ways - you'd think I would have known better.

Anyway - sure enough - I gained almost 5 of it back.

I was carrying around that feeling of failure - both in losing my hard won win with the weight I had lost - and because I just couldn't seem to get back on track - even though I knew how to do it?

I found Holly's Fit Yummy Mummy, weight loss program for mom's and even then, left it sitting on my computer for 2 months, pulling it out for a day here, a day there, but not getting on the program.

February marked the 2 year anniversary of the first spring "bikini" ready challenge I had been successful with.

I was primed and vowed that I was going to get on the program.

And as it goes sometimes, I hit the jackpot when I got an email from Holly saying she was running a Fit Yummy Mummy Transformation that would go from Feb - May for a total of 12 weeks.

I was on board! Over the past weeks I have been getting increasingly stronger, have lost about 4 lbs of the 10 I'd like to loose.

I am heading in the right direction. And I can tell you, it's so much better than knowing that I am heading in the wrong one.

~ I don't feel guilty anymore.

~ I don't feel like I am schlepping through life.

~ I feel stronger...in body but especially in spirit.

The good news is that that strength spurs me on, it keeps me going and wanting to do better.


I have been finding some interesting things going on as the challenge progresses.

The first one is again - frame of mind.

When things aren't easy, when things aren't going as planned - the cookie jar is no longer the solution. I'm finding also, that we are problem solving. It has become the natural thing to do.

Members of the club will post a problem and ask for feedback. We'll get our thinking caps on and share what has worked for us.

I've received very helpful advise and hopefully given some too. And of course, Holly is always there with a solution.

It has become a process to look for the answer - to find out what we can do differently - where we are going wrong - how to solve it, instead of mindlessly eating, excuses, neglecting exercise and wondering why we are out of shape and growing out of our clothes.

The process of problem solving is a major component of successful weight loss and good health.


The next thing that I've noticed, and it is the foundation of problem solving, is that we are actively choosing - making the choice to eat better, to exercise regularly.

Weight loss and good health is a series of small choices made daily.

The first choice is the act of deciding either to develop the habits we need to have to accomplish a healthy lifestyle - or not.

I hear women making food jokes quite often - the sea food diet - when I see food - I eat it type of thing. These women are making a choice every time they decide to sustain the lifestyle that enables them to keep cracking the food jokes. They are giving themselves permission to live this way.

Which brings me to the last point.

GIVING YOURSELF PERMISSION - It's not what you think.

One of the biggest changes that I made - during both of the weight loss challenges I have participated in - has been to withdraw permission for myself to continue with unhealthy habits.

When I stand at the cupboard intending to graze mindlessly on dead, processed food - I make the choice to deny myself permission to continue.

I like to say "lets not and say we did".

I walk away and 5 minutes later, it doesn't matter to me if I ate it or not, I've forgotten all about it - one of the good things about getting older.


These are 3 key areas in developing the kind of mindset that you will need to take the weight off and to continue with your healthy lifestyle."

~ Jan Ferrante, Queen of Kaos

Join ClubFYM

You are invited to join our free Fit Yummy Mummy social support community. Meet Jan and hundreds of moms who losing the baby fat and getting their body back. Access what works for them and hear first hand how they do it. Social Support is the #1 factor for a woman's weight loss success.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I just want you to know Jan that your section on "choices" seriously hit me hard! You are right on and I wish many more could realize that everything they do is TRULY their choice! You have found the key to success- this mindset! I'm so proud of you!