Happy Halloween! Get a Jump Start on your Holiday Weight Gain -
Did I scare you?
Great - but did you know your holiday weight loss efforts may actually be leading you to gain weight over the holidays? Watch out for these Halloween Tricks and you can turn Halloween into your Holiday Weight Loss Solution!
Halloween is the season when your holiday weight gain really begins. How could it not with all the bowls of free candy lying around. Treats at the workplace, treats at the bank, treats sent home with your kids, treats underneath your car seat...so it is not just ONE day of a candy free-for-all, it is All Month Long!
Halloween Trick #1: As busy moms we are vulnerable to mindless eating. Mindless eating PLUS an endless supply of Candy = Weight Gain. Grabbing a piece of candy here, a handful of candy there will add an extra 200 to 500 candy calories a day! They add up much faster than you realize. Just one handful of candy corn is about 110 calories. So be aware how often you indulge and how much you are eating when you do. (Try writing it down and scare the fat out of you!)
Halloween Trick #2 - Fat Free Candy....is not FREE of Calories. Did you ever look at how much sugar is in the fat free advertised candies? Same goes for sugar free candy options. They taste good for a reason; many are loaded with fat - and the worst kind: Trans Fat. Take a look at the label and watch out!
Halloween Trick #3 - Burn Excess Calories with CARDIO! Now is the time you will begin seeing and hearing about all the quick and easy ways to lose weight over the holidays - especially Cardio - which you are told will melt the holiday calories off your body. Heads up, too much cardio will backfire, slow your metabolism and help you add extra pounds in the new year. Cardio is not the end all, be all solution to fat loss. Do not waste your precious time. Instead turn your efforts towards short burst resistance training and intervals.
My Halloween wish to you is to Be Aware and Be Prepared!
Many women see the holidays as a time where nutrition labels don’t matter because all "treats" are bad and everyone is expected to indulge. During this time of year it is even more important to look at the nutrition facts and be aware of serving sizes. This will allow you to enjoy the holidays without sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
You can have fun and enjoy the treats that come with the season, but balance them with supportive nutrition and short burst exercise. Turn this festive occassion into your Holiday Weight Loss Solution. Put these tricks and tips into action come January you can be 10-15 pounds lighter!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween: Your Holiday Weight Loss Solution
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
"Grocery Shopping Made Easy"
Step 3: Busy Mom Diet Makeover
Top 5 Tips that make Grocery Shopping Easy
An easy trip to the grocery store? Yes it is possible! You have already conquered the hardest part by completing the 1st 3 steps of the Busy Mom Diet Makeover.
1. The LIST - Taking a List to the grocery store is Non-Negotiable. This is essentially your roadmap. Make sure it is organized, detailed and specific. You will stay focused and reduce the amount of time in the store. If your list is vague, making decisions in the store makes you more vulnerable to impulse buying and marketing tactics. TIP: A list also provides you with the opportunity to DELEGATE this task.
2. EAT - Never shop for groceries on an empty stomach. Hunger increases temptation. If you are hungry when you shop for food, you will be led astray. I keep almonds in my car just in case.
3. BEWARE - Grocery stores are very tempting places. They are carefully designed by experts to persuade you to buy. Marketers actually study the shopping habits of women, so unless you know the marketing tactics, you can easily end up buying items you didn’t plan for. For example: End of aisle displays, there is nothing special about these items - ever notice how many of these displays are filled with Red Items? Consider RED your cue to stop yourself from grabbing it!
4. GET OUTSIDE - Shop the outside aisles. Grocery stores are designed with whole, natural foods on and around the perimeter. Avoid spending the majority of your time going up and down the aisles where highly processed, convenience foods are rampant.
5. PLAN your impulse items. We all have them. Whether it is a sweet snack from the organic aisle or the newest fragrance in the cleaning aisle, you will be more successful managing these "fun" buys when you plan then ahead of time. What a waste of my time and money if I spent every trip to the grocery store standing in the cleaning aisle smelling air fresheners! If I look ahead of time and know a particular brand is on sale - then I allow myself an "impulse buy" every once in a while.
EVERY nutrition decision starts in the grocery store.
When fat loss is your goal, you can't make supportive changes if you don't know what foods to choose (and which to lose). For more money and calorie saving strategies and tips, grab a copy of the Grocery Shopping Made Easy DVD . Drs. Chris and Kara Mohr of Mohr Results.com, walks you through step by step, aisle by aisle giving you the exact grocery plan to be successful so you can quickly and easily get your body back.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Monday, October 29, 2007
Busy Mom's Grocery List Management
Step 2 in the Busy Mom Diet Makeover: Make a Grocery List
If you despise grocery shopping, if you feel like it takes up your whole day, if you feel like you spend a fortune buying a ton of stuff you don’t need, if you are tired of getting home and realizing you forgot the milk and have to go back....Listen Up! These Grocery List Making tips will put and end to your frustrations, wasted time, wasted money and wasted energy.
At this point, you have taken a few minutes to jot down what you are going to EAT. Now it’s time to make a LIST. This will help you stay focused and organized when you shop for the items you need to prepare your meals.
It is also helpful to know what you HAVE on hand and what needs to be added to your Kitchen to ease the time and prep of your weekly meals. For some of you, it may even be time to give your kitchen a Make Over.
3 Pre-shopping steps to help you Make an effective Grocery List:
1. Take inventory. What do you have in your kitchen that can help you make your meals and stay on track? What needs to be replaced (get rid of the junk!)?
2. Create and use Master Grocery List. Use a notepad, a long skinny shopping list, or even your computer. Just choose one and use it. TIP: I like to use past grocery store receipts. This not only helps me remember what I bought, but helps me keep the budget in mind as well. Keep your Master List on the Fridge where you are more likely to add ideas to it during the week (your family members can help as well!).
3. Organize the items on your list according to the layout of the store. For example: Produce, breads, deli, etc....
This is also a great time to make sure you have the proper tools and supplies to prepare and keep your meals for the week.
I recommend you have the following on hand:
~ Small Tupperware-type containers. Use for storing and transporting your daily meals. Make sure they are small enough to fit into a cooler but large enough to accommodate a full meal.
~ Large Tupperware-type containers. Use for storing larger quantities of food. For instance, use to store the veggies you chopped up for the week or your pre-cooked chicken breasts.
~ Ziplock Baggies – I cannot have enough of these! Keep a box of sandwich and snack size baggies on hand. Yes great for storage, but a great tool for proper portion sizes.
~ Steamer Baggies - These are new! Throw a handful of veggies in one of these nifty gadgets, pop in the microwave and you have a nutritious side dish in no time.
~ Drink containers — Used for meal replacement shakes, water and freshly brewed green tea.
~ Cooler - If you are constantly on the run a cooler allows you to prepare supportive meals and keep them with you. It can be as basic as a cooler you'd take to the park or as practical and fashionable as a purse you'd carry into the mall.
Make It A Habit
Simple or not, a list will not help you if you don't make one and use it. Pre-planning your meals and having the items on hand is the only way to take control. It's time to get into the habit of planning before you shop. Put an end to the waste of your 3 sources of power: time, energy and money and make a Grocery List.
Next I will reveal Savvy Shopping Tips
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Map Out Your Meals
Step 2 in the Busy Mom Diet Makeover
It is time to break the habit of grabbing whatever is available and appealing because you did not make the time to plan ahead.
Planning out your meals simply means you must answer the question: "What am I going to Eat?"
Successful planning can be achieved when you designate a TIME to sit down and choose what you will eat for the next 3 to 7 days. For best results, choose a time when your schedule is less hectic – on the weekend, the night before or for those early risers…first thing in the morning.
Still unsure? Choose to make the most of the times when you find that you are waiting - instead of grabbing a magazine to read or chatting on your cell phone to pass the time, pull out a notepad and make a list of meal ideas.
Keep it simple and balanced by organizing your meal ideas according to your favorite Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snack combinations. Choose a variety whole, natural foods - proteins, fruits and veggies and whole grain items.
Use your daily schedule to designate meals times. Begin with breakfast and from that time count forward every 3 to 3 ½ hours. Based on where you are and what you are doing, choose which meal combination fits best into your schedule.
This is a significant step for you have now created a mindfulness of what you need to eat and when. Don't expect to be perfect - allow for flexibility and spontaneity.
Our lives are busy - Creating an automated eating plan is the easiest way to stay in control, stay energized and accelerate fat loss.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Friday, October 26, 2007
Best Fat Loss Tool
How to Take Control and Increase Fat Loss
When it comes to a Busy Mom's Diet, it is how you eat most of the time that matters. So how DO you eat most of the time? What eating habits do you have that are keeping you in your current body?
There is no better time than NOW to find out. You can Take Control and Increase Fat Loss with a Food Journal. Effective exercise aside, this is one of the most powerful fat loss tools you can use.
"Food journal??? Who has time for that if you barely have time to eat? Write it down! Give me a break."
This person is obviously resistant to change. Of course it is normal for you to ask, "Do I have to?". Yes. Do you have to do it every day? No. But you must start somewhere and you must take action. Your results are completely reliant upon your actions. Plus -what I am sharing with you is one of the EASIEST first steps you can take and I'll show you why. So boot the excuses and open your mind.
Take our Busy Mom for example. As she tracked what she ate through the day she was filled with surprise. She had no idea the majority of her meals consisted of her children's leftovers. This habit has now been brought to her attention so every time she sits down to eat, she will think twice about eating her children's leftovers.
This simple awareness will allow her to slightly adjust what she chooses to eat and in turn will create a positive change which will only help accelerate fat loss efforts.
Yes, even if you are the busiest mom in the world, you too can do this! Allow me to break it down for you.
1st: Denial and vague ideas are of no use in the process of achieving results. The quickest, easiest way to create awareness is to Write It Down.
2nd: It does not matter how accurate you are. Notice our Busy Mom did not have to write down calories, fat grams, sugar, etc. to realize a few of her habits were the cause of her nutrition obstacles. You can fine tune your nutrition plan after you have a feel for your current habits.
3rd: View journaling as a Strategy - not a chore. If you are on the lookout for the best shortcut - This is it! This is the simplest way to better understand your habits, make smarter choices and increase fat loss.
4th: Journaling takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Either write it down as you eat it - 30 seconds here, 30 seconds there - OR write it down at the end of the day. Choose which way works best for you. If you have 5 minutes to check your email, then you have 5 minutes for this.
5th: Make it easy- use a journal that fits your lifestyle. From fancy food logs to colorful notebooks, grab one on sale at the bookstore. I prefer the $.25 memo pads that are small enough to keep in my pocket if necessary. Be sure to keep your journal in a place where you will see it and use it.
Try it out for at least 3 days and see what new insights you come up with. How you choose to continue is up to you. As you gain control and awareness, you can begin to gradually incorporate the strategies and tips which will lead to better, faster results.
Keeping a Food Journal is just ONE of the best tools for Fat Loss. There is no "ONE" quick fix when it comes to getting your body back. Rather, it is a combination of the best fat loss tools that work together to make your pre-baby body a reality. You can, however, take immediate action with this essential 1st step.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Makeover my Busy Mom Diet
What you Must do to Free Yourself from the Busy Mom Diet
If you are tired of being caught up in the never-ending cycle of meal time chaos, tired of the lack of control, the lack of energy - then listen up! I am going to break it down for you in easy to follow, fail-proof steps.
Step 1: Write down everything you eat - see it, change it
Step 2: Map out your Meals - set aside a few minutes to plan out what you will eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
Step 3: Make a List - now that you know what you are going to eat - make a list of what you need. Be sure to check your kitchen for items you may already have.
Step 4: Go to the grocery store WITH your list
Step 5: Prepare your meals
Wait - are you still with me? Are you saying you already know all of this - that's great and all, but you are not doing it. What are you waiting for? What do you expect will happen if you continue to trek down the same path doing the same thing you've always done?
Listen, these are the steps. These are the "difference-makers". These are the very habits a Fit Yummy Mummy has embraced and lives by. There simply is no other way around it. Well - unless you are a celebrity and can afford a chef, food delivery or a maid to take care this for you.
Yes, it is time to take responsibility and take action.
I'll be posting over the next couple days with strategies on how to make each of these steps manageable in your very busy life.
with the Step by Step Guidance
of the
Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System.
Click ==>HERE
and get started Today!
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Busy Mom Diet
The Busy Mom Diet: Is this You?
This is the true story of One Busy Mom and her quest to gain control over her "diet" and her body. She was initially unable to see a solution, to see where she had lost control - after sharing her story the light bulb flipped on.
Up at 5 AM - no sleeping in with kids (someone always needs something!)
Coffee - I need at least 2-3 cups to get my day going and NEED the cream and sugar so it tastes good.
Breakfast #1: a cereal bar - it's quick and I don't have to think about it.
Breakfast #2: Kid's Leftovers
1. A couple spoonfuls of yogurt (but only if there is less than 1/2 in the container, otherwise I wrap it up and save it for tomorrow's breakfast)
2. Toaster Sticks - every morning my son only takes 2 bites and I feel bad having to throw them away.
(I only had a cereal bar for breakfast, I do need more to eat....)
Sometimes I try to get him to eat something else, something a little more healthy because I know I'll end up eating it - but he just does not cooperate.
At Home: Frozen meal - usually a burrito and I just add sour cream - yeah, the real stuff - and whatver the kids don't finish for their lunch.
On the Go:
McDonald's - but it's only one Snack Wrap. They are little and do not produce as much guilt if I were to eat a hamburger. But I do finish my son's French Fries and nuggets because I only had a snack wrap - plus it would be a waste to throw them away.
Afternoon Snack:
After kids go down for a nap and while I am busy doing housework, I snack on Pretzels and lately Halloween candy. I do hide the candy in my son’s room so when he goes down for a nap I will not be as tempted to go in his room to get it for risk waking him up. That works....sometimes.
Wow! I feel like a closet eater saying that!
Pre-Dinner ritual:
Once kids wake up from nap, I look through the cupboards to find something for dinner. But, as always - there is NOTHING. I sometimes wonder what I expect to find.
I am too tired to think about it, too tired to figure it out!
So I play with my kids until my husband gets home and see what he wants to do for dinner, he has to have a solution to my dinner delima (but he is on his way home depending on me to have dinner ready). Since we both end up with no idea what to do........
We go out to eat.
Perfect! I love getting out of the house – it is a reward for me – I am SO busy all day so this is something fun for me to do. Unfortunately, fun is not sensible. My husband seems to have this sensible skill all figured out. Not me! Whether it is Fazoli’s, Mc Donald’s or even Chick-fil-A – I am getting what sounds good!
Then I finish whatever my kids do not eat.
I am tired of feeling out of control, I am tired of having no energy, I am tired beating myself up for not making better choices, I am tired of not feeling good about me.
The Busy Mom's Diet is not uncommon, sure this personal account may be slightly better for some moms and slightly worse for others. There is a solution - and that is exactly what this busy mom set out to find.
The first step she had to take, however - was to write it all down. It is impossible to refine habits you do not know about. So take that first step and write down what you are eating - it takes less than 5 minutes!
Stay tuned as I offer tips and strategies to help this Busy Mom regain control and get her body back.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
10 Energy Boosting Foods for Busy Moms
Top 10 Super Foods to kick your Metabolism and Energy into High Gear!
Seems everyone has a list these days. Well I have one of my own that not only works for me, but for hundreds of Fit Yummy Mummies as well. These foods will not only help your body burn more calories but they are delicious, affordable and EASY to prepare. So print out this list and Get Energized!
1. High Fiber Cereal - look for 5 grams or more of Fiber and no more than 8g of sugar. I like to have at least one hot cereal (rolled oats) and one cold (Kashi Go Lean Crunch).
2. Apples - Okay, any fresh fruit will do, but apples are so easy to grab and go, we always have them on hand. Make it easy on yourself and have at least 2 different fresh fruits you can choose to eat each day. This week I have apple slices and grapes on hand.
3. Almonds - Your "portable protein" - the perfect emergency snack or pair it up with a fruit or veggie. High in metabolism-boosting Protein and Healthy Fats. But it is easy to eat too many - measure out 1/4 cup servings and stick in a snack size baggie.
4. Eggs - Yes, they ARE good for you. They are considered the gold standard of protein quality because of their superior amino acid content. It takes less than 3 minutes to prepare an egg. One of my favorite on-the-go egg tips: microwave your eggs in a coffee cup (lightly coated with olive oil for easy clean up). Your egg is now the perfect shape to top a whole wheat English muffin and eat on the run.
5. Spinach - This super veggie goes with everything. At only 5 calories per cup how could it not?! Use in omelets, wraps, salads, side dishes...the list goes on.
6. Yogurt - great source of protein and the live cultures help boost immunity. Goes great with Kashi Go Lean Crunch or other high fiber cereals. HOWEVER: Avoid choosing brands that contain High Fructose Corn Syrup. Read the ingredients.
7. Grilled Chicken - okay this is tied with frozen wild salmon filets (loaded with omega-3's.) One of the easiest, most versatile "meal makers" available. I'll have to share the many ways chicken can be prepared just to prove it is not boring to eat!
8. Black Beans - Packed with the leanest protein and very high in fiber - and only $.75 a can - how can you go wrong? Beans are a great alternative to those who feel like they are eating the same protein day in and day out.
9. Salsa - yes, tomatoes have wonderful health benefits, but in salsa form they also work well to add low cal, energizing flavor to your meals. From eggs, to rice and beans and even as a salad dressing (my absolute favorite). Choose a spicy variety and get the added metabolism-boosting kick from Capsaicin — the chemical in peppers that gives them their bite.
10. Green Tea - A Morning Must. Now I used to be an avid Starbucks fan....but the extra calories and ton of sugar completely sabotaged my results. Green tea was the perfect replacement. It has a lower level of caffeine (to help me get off the energy roller coaster) and loaded with EGCG. (studies show this ingredient causes your brain and nervous system to run more quickly — helping you burn more calories.) BONUS: It enhances your mood as well. Be sure to brew your own for these benefits are NOT found in store bought green teas.
Now this list is not exclusive for I could go on with 10 more energizing super foods. But this is simply way to get you started. Your commitment to this site will give you the advantage as I continue to share additional tips and strategies - so don't miss a day! Better yet, make it easy on yourself and subscribe to this site.
I also like to share that it is important to supplement your nutrition plan with a high quality whole food nutrient complex. My favorite is Prograde's VGF+25 for women which also has an herbal blend that promotes hormonal balance. A complete godsend!
So, this is an example of what you SHOULD be eating. Unfortunately, many Busy Moms are just not eating supportively. I will reveal what Busy Moms ARE eating to help you identify areas you can tweak to see and feel faster results.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Monday, October 22, 2007
Calorie Free, Instant Energy Boosters
Instant Energy for Busy Moms
Every day, millions of busy moms complain of being tired and in dire need of more energy, instant energy. As a mom, we simply have too much to do and not enough time to do it in. This can be overwhelming and exhausting.
Well the elusive "All day energy" is not found in a pill, food, drink or even an injection. These are temporary solutions, band-aids that will eventually fall off and expose the true root of your lack of energy. You'll end up frantically searching for the next "quick fix" to get you through the day unless you break this never-ending cycle.
There are certain habits that actually sabotage your ability to get more energy on a daily basis. The solution is to identify the energy zappers in your life and replace them with energy boosting solutions.
Top 4 calorie-free, energy boosting solutions:
~ Check out your Self-Talk: Are your thoughts energy-enhancing or energy-draining? Cancel negative thoughts and try thinking positive for a change. This is the quickest, surest way to generate more energy. Remember; our thoughts create our feelings, which in turn determine our actions, giving us our results. Need help? Try repeating a positive affirmation...my favorite - "Today is a great day!" Stop scoffing at it and try it, then find one that works for you.
~ Holding a Grudge? Concentrating on negative feelings prompts your mind and body to react as if they're under chronic stress. This only increases your heart rate and blood pressure, impairs your immune system and adds to your exhaustion. Regain your energy by practicing forgiveness. Need help? Try writing in a journal. OR (my favorite) consider this - why allow that person to have an ounce of control over you? Forgive, let it go and Move On!
~ Disorganized? If that is a resounding YES - guess what.... Cluttered space only scatters your energy, making you feel out of control and overwhelmed. End the wasted energy and chaos of frantically searching for what you need by De-cluttering. Need help? Choose 1, small area to start. Set a timer for 15 minutes, clean, and organize this one space like a race and repeat as needed. Viola! Instant energy and control!
~ "Bitten" by Energy Vampires? Negative Nellie, Debbie Downer, The Gossip Queen, The Perpetual Pessimist - They are all around you. You might not even realize it, but being in the company of these negative people can and WILL drain your energy quickly. Letting your attitude sink down to their level only validates their behavior so avoid spending time with these types of people. Need Help? If you cannot avoid them you can minimize the impact by setting boundaries - try to change the subject or flat out tell them you do not want to hear it. Or try keeping your thoughts and reactions in check while you are around them. You may find you have to simply "tune them out".
These Energy boosting shortcuts will not only allow you to experience more energy, but you'll feel so much better about yourself, get more out of each day and be able to sincerely enjoy being a mom.
Up Next: Energy Boosting Nutrition - How you eat and What you eat has the potential to skyrocket your energy levels when combined with the energy boosting solutions shared today.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Sunday, October 21, 2007
McDonald's for Breakfast?
Fast Food Breakfast and Fat Loss
A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that individuals who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight -- and more likely to exercise -- than non-breakfast eaters.
Seems that more of us are getting the message that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for each Monday morning I am surprised by the line of cars that could literally wrap around the McDonald's resturant in my small town, twice. But should your breakfast be coming from a fast food chain?
As a busy mom breakfast should be the priority each and every morning but the quality of your choice should be just as important.
The food you start your day with will determine your:
energy levels
ability to stay focused
ability to be productive
willingness to be active (workout)
An Egg McMuffin is one of the most popular breakfast choices - it's even recommended by Bob Greene on the website! He just suggests that you order it without cheese. Just 250 calories, that's good - right? Calorie-wise, sure....nutrient-wise, not so good. The sodium, trans fat, high fructose corn syrup and a ton of artifical ingredients hardly seems the best choice with which to start your day. (see a list of ingredients here: http://app.mcdonalds.com/bagamcmeal?process=details).
And how many of us add to this breakfast order? Especially on a Monday, it is very tempting and easy to add on one of McDonald's gourmet coffees. You need energy, you need to wake up and get your day started. Well that choice adds at least an extra 200+ calories and a ton of sugar.
Are there better choices at McDonalds? Sure, but do you want to make this a daily habit? No - not if you are truly serious about getting your body back.
If you want to start your day off right, you cannot skip over that fact that it starts with you. It is possible to find an extra 10 minutes each morning to nourish your body with a smart breakfast. Hopefully most of you are taking the time to give your children a healthy breakfast - why not do it for yourself as well?
Tips to help you Streamline your Morning:
~ Get up on Time (stop hitting the snooze button!)
~ Prepare the night before
~ Get up 10 minutes early
~ Make it enjoyable
This all goes back to the fact that your mindset must match your intention. If you view the morning ritual as dreadfull, difficult and chaotic - guess what.... it WILL be. Make the decision to turn it around and find a system that works for you. Not only will you feel better and be more productive - you will actually see results!
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Saturday, October 20, 2007
The Power of a Pumpkin - Recipe Ideas
Fun Pumpkin Recipes
Inspired by Tyler's Trip to the Pumpkin Patch
1. Pre-heat oven
3. lightly dab slices with olive oil then place slices on a lightly greased (olive oil) baking sheet.
5. Bake for about 20 minutes, turn, add more sprinkled spices if you like, bake for another 20 minutes or so. Cool and Eat!
Autumn Smoothie
Mix spices, applesauce, pumpkin puree and oatmeal
These bars are a great treat or for a snack on the run!
1/2 Cup whole-wheat flour
1/2 Cup quick cooking oats
1 to 2 Tablespoons Ground Flax Seed
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 Cup canola oil
1/2 Cup Canned Pumpkin Puree
1 Small ripe banana, mashed
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 Cup chopped dried fruit (dates, figs, raisin, cherries, cranberries, or a mix of any of these)
1/4 Cup chopped walnuts
Pre-heat oven to 300 degrees. Combine flour, oats, flax seed, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon.
Approximated nutrition information (per bar): 80 Calories, 1g Protein, 5g Fat, 0.5g Saturated fat, 0 mg Cholesterol, 8g Carbohydrate, 3g Fiber, 27 mg Sodium.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Friday, October 19, 2007
Jump Start your Fat Loss
5 Simple Lifestyle Steps to Maximize your Fat Burning Potential
You are motivated to begin -
"Today is the day I am going to be better. I am going to feel better. I am going to do better. I am going to look better. I am going to eat better. I am going to feed my mind better. I am going to feed my soul better."
You have established a Starting Point by identifying what you want and why.
Now HOW will you get there?
Well knowing what to do and doing it are two very different things. Unfortunately, it's not what we know, but how we apply that knowledge to our day-to-day life that makes the biggest difference. And our lifestyle completely determines how our bodies look and feel. To maximize your fat loss potential - a Lifestyle Change is in order.
Yes - you are a super busy Mom and the prospect of making a Lifestyle Change may seem daunting and tedious. However, if your lifestyle habits do not support a positive change, then there is no amount of exercise or cleverly designed nutritional program that will deliver the results you seek.
It is my goal to show you that this "Change" is not only possible, but can be quite simple! You can even get started right here, right now - for a lifestyle change is all about being aware and making one supportive choice at a time. The cummulative effect of your choices will allow you to gradually gain control over your lifestyle habits which lead to lasting results.
"What is the ONE most important change I can make in my life today that can jump start this Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle I have committed to?"
Great question! And you are right on target to narrow your focus to ONE change at a time. Try one or all of these 5 simple strategies to jump start your Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle and Maximize your Fat Burning Potential!
1. Start eating Breakfast.
2. Be aware of portion sizes.
3. Make eating purposeful, not mindless.
4. Eat a veggie and/or fruit with each meal/snack
5. Live each day On Purpose - Remember, your actions reveal your priorities.
"If we keep doing what we're doing, we'll keep getting what we're getting. One definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting different results."-Stephen Covey
You can do this Moms!
All action starts with a change -- no matter how small.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Slim in 6 - True Results in 6 weeks
How a Busy Mom can Burn Belly Fat and get Slim in 6 Weeks
Busy Mom, new Mom, Jennifer Hurley continues to prove to moms everywhere that you CAN get your body back after baby and NO it does NOT take 9 months to do so.
In just 6 weeks, Jennifer has lost a total of 11 pounds and 5% Body Fat. She lost a whopping 4 1/2 inches in her waist - proving that yes, you can lose the jelly belly!
Plus she is just 1 pound away from her pre-baby weight and has reached her 25% body fat goal.... 2 weeks early! And her daughter is not even 4 months yet!
So how did she do it?
What is she doing that is making such a HUGE impact on her ability to burn belly fat and get her pre-baby body back?
The Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle program!
Jennifer is ready and willing to share the "secrets" to fast fat loss. But she first wants every mom out there to know, that it IS possible and the biggest reason why this has been so successful to her is the fact that she WANTED it and made it a PRIORITY.
"You have to want it and you have to stick to it. Do not make excuses. Those moms who really want results and are willing to do what it takes will not take this comment the wrong way. The Fit Yummy Mummy workouts and nutrition plans worked for me because I made the time and the effort to make it a part of who I am. Yes, I love spending time with my daughter, but I need to make time for me as well. She will be happier because I am happy. I know kids don't care what their mother's look like - the love is unconditional. But I know if I had the 'yummy mummy' at school - that would have been super cool. I just want my daughter to be proud of me and thankful for the example I have set for her." (these pants were tight on my belly just 6 weeks ago!)
So the 1st step to getting "slim in 6" is making your health and fitness a priority. It truly does make the entire transformation achievable and lasting.
Then of course comes the "fitness plan". Jennifer uses short burst resistance training workouts that work her entire body (see her one of her favorite workouts below). She has also completely changed the way she looks at and does cardio. It is no longer a running tally of minutes required each day, each week to burn more calories. Jennifer has embraced the concept of interval training. Not only has this freed up more of her precious time and eliminated the dreadful I-Have-To-Do-Cardio feeling, it has allowed her to see results even faster and have a blast in the process!
The final component to her fitness plan is what she eats. I will not get into the details right now, but it will be impossible for anyone to see results if what you put into your body is ignored. Jennifer has incorporated the concept of moderation and balance into her nutrition plan - she simply is aware of the difference between supportive vs. non-supportive food choices and habits. This is something we ALL have the ability to master.
Here is a sample of one of Jennifer's favorite Fit Yummy Mummy "Burn the Baby Fat" workouts (that she can do, right at home, first thing in the morning while her daughter is still sleeping).
She workouts out 3 days a week and completes her entire workout - resistance training and intervals - in less than 30 minutes.
A1 Prisoner Squat
A2 Close Grip Push Up (kneeling)
B1 Bulgarian Split Squat
B2 Medicine Ball WoodChop
C1 Side Plank
C2 Plank
Jennifer is an inspiration and is helping busy moms face the reality that it IS possible to get your body back. Take her story and use it to help you get started...soon you will be sending me YOUR amazing before and after pictures!
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Beat Belly Fat
Busy Mom's quick guide to lose the "Mummy Tummy"
Okay - so as far as your Busy Mom workouts go, you now know you need to use upper body and lower body exercises that work many muscles at once – but I can hear you saying, what about my abs? I want to get rid of my "mommy belly"!
Sure, including Abs as part of your routine is beneficial for strength purposes, but remember - no amount of "abs exercises" will make the fat on your belly disappear. Doing hundreds of cruches a day will do nothing to flatten your tummy. I find it is helpful to repeat myself in the hopes that it will help you bust through the "Spot Reduction Myth" once and for all.
Your Busy Mom Workout goal is to boost your metabolism by using as many muscles as possible throughout your workout. You will get more bang for your buck by concentrating on the largest muscles. The "Abs" that you want to work through crunches are small....you can Burn double or even triple the amount of calories by doing full body exercises.
Some of the best "ab exercises" actually use your whole body! (work your abs, use more muscles, increase your metabolism....that's the way to go!) See a couple of my favorite "crunch free" exercises below!
Want even more tips and strategies to help you burn your belly fat? Then you must check out Scott Colby's Amazing Abs Formula . He has taken the time to put together a team of the top health and fitness experts in the entire world to help guide you to properly burn the belly fat and get your flat tummy back.
Over the course of the next 7 weeks, Scott and his team (myself included), plan to completely transform your abs(and your mind) – at no cost to you. Yes there is a catch, you have to do it quickly. It all begins on October 22, and I don't want you to miss any bit of information that will help you develop those amazing abs.
Visit: the Amazing Abs Formula to get all the information, and enroll at no cost to you.
For now...here are a couple of my favorite "crunch free" Core exercises.
1. Bird Dog
2. Medicine Ball Woodchop
---------400 crunches with the ab roller is just not immpressive- (more is not better - quality is) in fact, that brings up my next topic...how to bring your workout together to challenge your muscles so you see results in the shortest amount of time possible.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Busy Mom Home Workout Video
Two Fast and Effective Home Workouts for Moms
Due to a very kind request, you have one more day to grab up the 2 free workout videos you can receive by signing up for your free "5 Ways to boost your metabolism" report.
Moms are loving the fast, effective short burst workouts that they can do right in their living room. If you enjoy these, you will LOVE the Fit Yummy Mummy ebook that will be available in the next 2 weeks (you have the option to receive a DVD guiding you through the first 8 weeks of your Fit Yummy Mummy workout program). More information to come - so be on the lookout! I know a LOT of you are very excited to get started and I am here to help!
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Want to have Jennifer Garner Arms?
Busy Mom's Shortcut to Toned Arms
So the first step to building a Busy Mom’s Workout is to perform exercises that use the largest muscles. Squats and Lunges are an excellent choice for your lower body. But you want to have Jennifer Garner arms too!
That requires a concern for your upper body.
Abs aside, I know many of you are concerned about your Arms. They’re too big, too fat, too flabby, you just want to get rid of the flappy fat that jiggles when you wave good-bye to your kids, etc. Yes, you just want toned arms, firm arms, Jennifer Garner Arms that look awesome in sleeveless shirt or dress.
Well, there is no magic “arm exercise” you can focus on to reduce the fat in just your arms. Trying to do so is a waste of your time. No amount of tricep extensions, raises or curls you can do long enough or hard enough will make a difference if you are neglecting the larger muscles in your upper body.
(FYI: Light weight with high reps is completely wrong. Save time and sanity by ignoring this horrible rumor)
Try exercises that involve pushing or pulling movementst - these engage your chest and back muscles. My favorites are push ups and pull ups. I do not waste my valuable workout time on “isolated arm exercises”. My goal is to get in and out, give my metabolism a lasting boost and feel great all day long.
You are short on time, remember – If you seek lean, toned muscles and the increase in metabolism that comes with them, make the most of your workouts. Choose exercises that work as many different muscles as possible, exercises that give you the “biggest bang for your buck!”
Your Busy Moms Workout Shortcut? Use upper body and lower body exercises that work many muscles at once – so you burn more calories, boost your metabolism even higher, reduce body fat ALL OVER and see results faster.
Later today…I’ll answer – “But what about my abs?”
Then I'll help you figure out how to put it all together.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Monday, October 15, 2007
Celebrity Yummy Mummy Secrets
Super Slim Tori Spelling – what’s her secret?
Tori Spelling is working her way back to that slim, pre-baby body.
She is one celebrity who "gets it".
So what is she doing to lose the baby fat and get her body back?
Eat right and exercise - wow, that's a new one....stay with me on this, the reason why SHE gets it is that Tori Spelling's workout consists of a balance between cardio and resistance training.
This is area where a lot of moms miss out.
Too often we turn to traditional cardio to burn off the excess fat. As I have already shared, this is not the end all solution and plus this option leads us into doing more and more cardio, with the false belief that more is better, we feel like we are working so long and hard, it must be burning something....sure it is - Muscle!
Tori Spelling's workout to help blast baby fat and get her trim figure back consists of ab work, squats and lunges - my 2 favorite lower body exercises! Not only do they boost your metabolism - because you are working some of the largest muscles in your body - but you don't need any equipment to get started!
That's one of the 1st steps to building a busy mom workout.
Be sure to get access to some of my Favorite Home-Based Busy Mom workouts by downloading your Free Metabolism report. Hurry - this special offer ends Tuesday, Oct. 16th!
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Live and Learn
I came across this important message posted on SolutionsForBusyMoms.com
An important reminder from my little girl
The other day I was in the car with my 3 year old daughter. I started one of my little routines with her..."Shayna, I love you more than ice cream. I love you more than flowers. I love you more than chocolate."
"Mommy..." She interrupted...
"You also have to love yourself."...
This is a great reminder to all the busy moms out there who have gallantly taken on taken on the multitude of tasks that consume our daily schedules. It is so easy to push your own needs down your list of priorities. Soon, you chuck your good intentions to make time for you, to meet your own needs.
This is a great time to stop and ask yourself what type of example you are setting for your children. They are paying attention...and with great detail. What lessons are they learing from a mom who is too busy to stick to her own word, to take care of herself, to honor her hopes and dreams, to outwardly practice self-love?
What type of life do you want for your children? Are you living it?
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Busy Mom's Motivation
The Secret to the Busy Mom Workout
“Ok, so I said I was giving this bod a rest today...but I couldn't do it!
I feel so good when I work out...it's so exhilarating. I walked around the neighborhood for 20 minutes then did the short burst resistance exercises and then intervals on the bike for 10 minutes. Then Stretching..”
~ Beth S. from Team: Burn Belly Fat
It is evident that Beth has stumbled upon one of the secrets that makes Doing and Sticking To a workout routine possible. Pure enjoyment.
When you truly love what you do, you will keep doing it!
Sure that is obvious, but the most surprising part? When I asked Beth how her results were coming along, this is what she said..."I don't know if I notice any changes yet."
Funny, because isn't that what the majority of us hang our hat on....Results? Most of us state that our motivation is based on RESULTS. Results are what we all want. Results are what every single weight loss program promises you.
But the factors that determine whether we reach them and keep them lie deeper a bit deeper.
And that is what Beth has discovered.
It is not the destination....but the journey.
She has taken the right steps by establishing a proper mindset.
This very step has allowed her to become aware of and embrace the way she physically feels during and after each workout. This awareness has helped to not only keep her focused but also acts as a powerful drive, keeping her priorities at the forefront of her mind.
So how do you get to this place of Fitness Bliss?
It's a 2 step process.
Grab a pen and some paper and get ready to ask yourself some questions.
1. Write out your goals - what do you want? Be specific. Be realistic.
2. What's your Reason - why is this so important to you?
This is where you need to dig. What will happen to you, your family, your quality of life if you do not reach your goals? Keep asking WHY until you elicit an emotional response.
Next, post this where you can see it Everyday. You have just established a strong foundation from which your fitness plan can be built.
Next Up - How to Build a Busy Mom Workout
(Get a Jump Start. See what Beth has been doing at home! Take advantage of the FREE Busy Mom video offer in the right hand column. Hurry - this offer ends Tuesday, October 16th!)
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Friday, October 12, 2007
Calories and Fat Loss
How to Eat for Fat Loss
Help! I am only eating 1500 calories a day…I’m not losing weight!
When I get a request for help like this one, it is always best to break it down to see exactly what is going on…..for it is NEVER just one thing. You have to go through what I like to call a "Fat Loss Checklist" helping to pinpoint why you seem to have hit a wall.
1st determine if your calorie intake is appropriate by checking one of many online resources, such as http://www.fitday.com/. For this mom, her calories are right on track.
I then went through a check list of questions and quickly found out that this Mom was on average, only eating 2 meals a day, out of those 2 meals, one was not breakfast.
According to the Law of Thermodynamics (energy balance) if she is taking in less calories than she is burning….she will lose weight.
While this can initially occur with the intake of only 2 meals, weight loss will quickly come to a screeching halt.
Why? Well I do teach the importance of eating supportive meals every 3 to 4 hours for a reason. Sure this can be a challenging habit for many busy moms to adapt, but a necessary one for when it comes to true and lasting fat loss....there are NO shortcuts!
Let’s see why.
By only eating 2 meals a day…..
At 1500 calories, each meal is about 750 calories a pop if divided evenly. This is a tremendous amount of calories to take in all at once. Not only will your energy levels be affected (in a negative way) but your metabolism just cannot burn through all of these at once and will have no choice but to store excess calories….increasing fat storage and encouraging a lack of energy to ever burn these calories off.
Skipping meals or waiting too long between meals only slows your metabolism down (and causes your body to shed lean muscle…this initially can be interpreted as successful weight loss on a scale….but NOT fat loss). So when you do eat a 700+ calorie meal….you do so with a lowered metabolism = fat storage.
Only eating 2 meals a day also means that you are missing out on any extra calories you would burn through the thermic effect of digesting food every 3 to 4 hours….so less calories burned = more calories stored as fat.
Only eating 2 meals a day means your body goes through a periods of hunger and cravings. Sure you may be able to fight this off...
~ staying too busy to think about food
~ taking appetite suppressants
but for how long? ANY TIME you deprive your body, you WILL make up for it. It is inevitable that you will binge and overeat….causing your body to take in excess calories and thus …..store more fat.
TWO MEALS a DAY will only cause you to GAIN FAT in the end.
Bite the bullet, plan out your meals and eat SOMETHING every 3 to 4 hours. Give it a chance.
The most significant result is a tremendous increase in energy and a loss of excess fat!
Your choice.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Resistance Training Burns More Fat
Top 3 Reasons WHY More Moms are not Doing Resistance Training
1. They believe the answer to Fat Loss lies in CARDIO
Can't blame you. The fact that we are being bombarded with ads and articles on a daily basis boasting the best way to burn fat is to DO more cardio. This myth is so rampant, that the very support groups and forums women turn to for answers are littered with faulty advice.
2. They are scared of "Bulking Up"
Just the mention of the word muscle makes a lot of women cringe. Images of huge bodybuilder-type bodies make them run in the opposite direction. A very common myth - MYTH...women do not have the ability to bulk up.
Men are able to add lots of muscle because:
One - they have the hormones to do so (we do not)
Two - they lift weights in an entirely different fashion
Three - they must eat a tremendous amount of food - muscle need a LOT of calories too get big
So Moms...unless you are taking Testosterone boosting supplements, lifting VERY heavy weights and eating about 5,000 calories a day - you will NOT bulk up.
3. They think Resistance Training is TOO Complicated
It's so much easier to just jump on a treadmill and walk or run for 45 minutes. That's nice and all, but easy does not get you results.
Sure if you are new to the concept of Resistance Training, a little research can make you throw your hands up in frustration.....what exercise, what weight, set, super sets, repetitions, rests....Oh My!
The best way to begin resistance training is to use your own body as weight.
No gym membership, no fancy equipment....just a small space and a few minutes of your time.
Movements such as the squat and assisted push ups are 2 examples of effective bodyweight exercises.
So how do you get started?
Let me help.
For a LIMITED TIME, you will have access to TWO Free home workout videos.
Due to a technical glitch in the book launch I described in the right-hand column, if you sign up for your Free Metabolism Report, you will also be sent a link that give you access to my Favorite Body Weight Exercises.
Hurry though....this very special offer ends next Tuesday, October 16th.
So get signed up, share this with your best friend so you can work out together and get your body back asap!
I'll leave you with this thought....
You desire to be more Toned and Defined, right?
Muscle is what makes this possible.
Do nothing to maintain or increase muscle....it withers away...leaving a soft flabby appearance.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Most Powerful Fat Burner
THE Fat Burner for Busy Moms
Moms, your search for the most powerful and effective fat burner need not go any further than your own body. Yes, you posses one of the most effective tools to shedding fat and getting a lean, toned, Yummy body: Your Muscle.
Muscle burns fat
Plain and simple!
Muscle is the single most important factor that determines how much fat and calories you burn throughout the day. The more lean muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, the more efficiently your body burns fat.
Muscle is “metabolically active”; which means it requires a LOT of calories to stick around. When you improve your muscle, your body requires more energy (calories) to maintain the new muscle.
Muscle burns calories all day long, not just when you are exercising.
In fact, muscle burns up to 3 times more than fat! Fat doesn’t require any energy at all to maintain - it just sits there - making it's presence known to everyone.
That’s why resistance training is even superior to cardio or aerobic exercise for women who want to burn more fat: it addresses the core of the problem – the rate at which your body uses energy - muscle burns more fat and calories 24- 7. Even while you sleep! What could be easier than that!?
Increase your lean muscle
Increase your metabolism
Burn More Fat
So stop throwing your money away on pills and concoctions that only filled with empty promises. Get your muscle to work for you. Rev up your natural Fat Burner by implementing resistance training into your exercise program.
Click HERE for Fit Yummy Mummy
Jump start your fat loss with short burst, mom-friendly home workouts, in just 90 minutes a week.
Next up: If muscle burns fat….why aren’t more women doing resistance training? And find out what you can do to get started!
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
INTERVALS: The TRUE Fat Burning Cardio
Burn More Calories and Fat, Fast!
Intervals are the perfect solution for Busy Moms.
Intervals are a type of “cardio” workout where you alternate brief, high intensity periods of exercise (where you work out as intensely as you can), with active recovery periods, where you slow down just long enough to catch your breath.
The shorter, more-intense your session, the more calories you burn and you preserve lean muscle, which will make you look tight and lean as you reach your goals. In addition, the shorter, more intense sessions will have a more profound effect on the calories you continue to burn 24 hours after completing your interval session.
How to “Do” Intervals:
EX: Walking on the Treadmill: Basic Program
Start with your normal three to five minute warm-up. About 5 minutes into your session, you will do your first interval, 30 seconds of brisk walking (or jogging). At the end of 30 seconds, you should be winded and ready to slow down. This will be your active recovery period, slowing your walking down for the next 2 minutes. Then repeat by increasing the intensity of your speed for 30 seconds.
3-5 minute warm up
30 sec. "high"
2 minutes "low"
Repeat this pattern for 3 to 8 complete Intervals and finish with a cool down.
If you are new to this style of cardio, you will find that a mere 8 minutes feels quite long and intense. That’s when you know you’ll never have to go back to long, tedious, time-wasting cardio again.
Intervals for Fat Loss:
The shorter and more intense the visit, the better.
Plus, they burn calories and fat after the training session, and that’s something you won’t get from slower, longer sessions of cardio.
NOTE: You should not do intervals every day. You also will want to gradually add intervals to your workout routine, doing too much too soon may cause injury.
Next Up....The BEST Fat Burner
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Monday, October 8, 2007
Cardio for Fat Loss, the TRUTH
How effective is your cardio program?
What does your cardio program look like?
What does your body look like?
Well if you're doing the same long, dreadfully boring cardio workout day after day, don't expect results. Sure this routine may have initially caused some change, but how long ago was that? And how much longer have you made your cardio routine just to see some type of change?
Sure a machine may tell you that after 60 minutes of work, you have burned 500 calories.
Great job, right? Well this is only a fraction of what it takes to boost your metabolism and burn more fat. It's not just the calories you burn during exercise that matters, it's also important how many calories your body continues to burn throughout the day. Cardio causes your metabolism to increase only temporarily, during the time of the exercise and shortly thereafter.
PLUS, scientific studies have shown us time and time again that after about 90 minutes of cardio, the body begins to become more efficient, not at burning off fat but instead at breaking down muscle for fuel... and with intense accuracy.
Clearly, this is not what you want!
Less Muscle = Lower Metabolism
Your goal with cardio should be to burn fat without burning muscle.
Besides....as a busy mom, do you really want to be spending this much time on an exercise that gets you nowhere?
Stay Tuned for more information on cardio INTERVALS: The TRUE Fat Burning Cardio
(takes less time than you'd ever imagine!)
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Coffee, Energy and Extra Fat
Coffee: The Busy Mom's Energy Drink of Choice
The Coffee habit is hard to break for many moms who are in search of the energy boosts needed to start the day and keep the day going. Unfortunately this habit becomes one obstacle in the quest to lose the baby fat and get your Fit Yummy Mummy body back. The extra calories from sugar and fat quickly add up to stall any fat loss efforts.
I spent many a morning and afternoon in my Favorite coffee shop, Starbucks. If I had known what I know now, my ability to lose that extra belly fat might not have been so difficult.
Here are some Shocking Calorie Facts about what your favorite energy drink may contain:
- Dairy Queen Mocha MooLatte: 590 calories
- DQ's French Vanilla MooLatte: 570 cals
- Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Coolatta: 350 cals
- Dunkin' Donuts Caramel Swirl Latte: 230 cals
- Dunkin' Donuts Iced Mocha Swirl Latte: 240 cals
- Starbucks Venti Vanilla Creme: 520 cals
- Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino, 430 calories
- Starbucks Venti Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino: 750 cals
If you are consuming these hard-to-resist treats on a daily basis, you're likely to notice the numbers on your bathroom scale creeping upwards. Hopefully, now that you know you the nutritional information you might think twice about your next coffee run.
Now a gourmet coffee every once in a while is perfectly fine. Life without yummy treats like this would be boring and it's a proven fact that deprivation does not make for a nutrition plan that works long term.
If you must drink coffee on a daily basis, you can make healthier choices. Go for black or control the amount of sugar by requesting non-sweetened drinks, or add your own sugar or artificial sweetener if you prefer.
I do enjoy my caffiene every morning too, but I do so with a large cup of freshly brewed green tea. I save my trips to Starbucks for those "once-in-a-while" occassions when I treat myself, which usually accompanies a trip to the mall or to the salon.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Fastest way to Fat Loss
Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss Quick Tip
Do NOT drink your calories
SAVE over 300 + Calories a Day by cutting out colas, coffees and juices.
Did you Know….?
~ Every 20 oz. container of cola has 2.5 Servings and 10-15 teaspoons of SUGAR = 250 to 300 calories.
~ A 16 oz. glass of OJ has 42 grams (10 teaspoons) of sugar
~ The typical coffee all the way up to the gourmet Lattes and Cappuccinos range from an extra 250 to 575+ calories (oh and just because it is non-fat does not mean it is calorie or sugar free).
The Habit of Drinking your Calories can quickly account for over 50% of your daily sugar intake. More than cookies, cakes and other processed carbs and candy.
If you are taking in 250-300 extra calories per day, this will lead to a ½ pound weight increase each week or around 24 pounds of extra fat in just one year.
Turn it around and REDUCE your calorie intake by about 300 a day and within 4 weeks....you will LOSE 2 and a half pounds by simply cutting out the empty, sugar based calories you have been drinking.
What could be easier or faster?
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Friday, October 5, 2007
Get More Energy
Busy Mom Energizers
1. Eat Breakfast
You know it’s the most important meal of the day. You make sure your kids eat it…you need to eat it too. If you are eating, but just a cereal bar – try swapping it out for something more substantial. Choose a high fiber, high protein meal.
Here’s one of my Favorite Energizing Breakfasts
Rolled Oats mixed with water and 2 whipped egg whites
Topped with frozen blueberries
(I sometimes top it with a dollop of vanilla yogurt and a tiny sprinkle of walnuts –simple, satisfying, YUM!)
2. Sneak In Protein w/every meal or snack
Not only helps to maintain your energy levels, it also helps you to burn more calories than simply eating a carb-only based meal!
Instead of eating an apple for a snack
Try eating an apple and a handful of almonds.
3. Drink Green Tea
Full of antioxidants, lower levels of caffeine, will prevent you from crashing later in the day. BONUS: It helps your body burn more fat.
(NOTE– Green tea you brew – not bottled, “green tea”, full of sugar)
4. Move about Every hour
Get the blood flowing, clear your mind, work your muscles. If you can, try to get outside for some fresh air and sunshine.
Try my favorite energizing move a couple times a day, performing 10 -15 repetitions.
The Y-Squat
Energy Zappers
~ Turbo-charged Energy drinks
Full of sugar and the extreme amounts of caffeine leave you feeling drained. Drink more water.
~ Toss the Energy Pills
Over stimulation of the brain and nervous system cause negative effects, including increased heart rate, blood pressure, insomnia, nervousness, and, once use is ended, general feelings of lethargy settle in—making them highly addictive.
~ Skipping meals
Food is energy. If you do not “refill your tank” every 3 hours, your entire body will slow down.
~ “Dead” processed foods
Nothing nourishing to offer. Undernourished bodies are not fit and are no where near energetic.
Follow these Energizing tips and you will be amazed at how much your energy levels sore, feeling more energetic and ready to face the world.
Enjoy your newfound energy!
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Busy Moms's Guide to Flat Abs, Favorite Ab Exercises
Do you have any really good ab exercises I could do?
That's my problem area FOR SURE.
Here's a crazy FACT: $207 million is spent each year on abdominal “equipment”.
Catchy phrases such as:
“Target Ugly Belly Fat”
“Get ripped 6-pack abs in just 30 days or your money back”
“Yes you can have abs of steel just like mine.”
Easily lure us in, with simple sounding soultions. But thousands of crunches, later…your belly fat remains.
I'm here to help clear up the myth of what it takes to burn belly fat and get flat abs...but I am also going to be upfront with you....you must embrace the fact that it's going to take more than the latest exercise routine or gadget to get rid of your mommy belly.
The best Ab exercises in the entire world will work to strengthen your core muscles. However, until you do things to make your body lose the fat that COVERS your abs, you will be disappointed, annoyed and frustrated over, and over, and over again.
So it is time to dispell the MYTH of SPOT Reduction! Meaning...it is impossible to remove fat from one particular body part. Loss of Fat comes from fat cells all over your body - not just one wishful area.
Fat Loss is a 2 step Process:The only way to decrease overall body fat percentage is to create a slight caloric deficit.
WHAT? All this means is that you must burn slighlty more calories than what you take in. You DO THIS by eating supportively and following an effective exercise program - right amount of cardio and effective, short burst resistance training that is progressively challenging in order increase lean muscle which in turn will boost your metabolism.
Quick Tricks:
1. Try readjusting your goal to "Reduce my Body Fat"
2. Redefine ABS - to include your entire CORE - all the muscles that wrap around your midsection.
3. Move More
4. Eat Better
Now, that you know the basics, I would love to share my favorite CORE exercises. My Fit Yummy Mummy workouts involve engaging all the muscles in your body, not just for calorie burning and toning, but also for strength and balance. Your CORE is your body's pillar. It must be strong in order for the exercises you do to be most effective, delivering faster results.
Therefore some of my favorite and most effective "ab" exercises require NO equipment - just my own body weight.
My Top 3 Favorite "Ab" Exercises
Belly Blaster
Side Plank
You may choose to try one Ab Exercise at a time, holding for 20 - 60 secs and repeating 2 to 4 times. Or perform all 3 and repeat 2 to 4 times. Follow this routine for a couple weeks, use the quick tips and you will feel and see a big difference in your belly - as you strengthen your core, you are taking the most important step so you can go from flabby mommy belly to fit and flat abs.
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Grocery Shopping Tips You never Thought of!
A Peek inside my Grocery Cart
I made a trip to Aldi today.
If you have not been....you need to go!
This is one of those tips you WANT to share with your girlfriends!
SO many good deals.
Here is a list of my great finds~
>Fit and Active Unsalted Dry Roasted peanuts
>Fit and Active Dried Apricots
>Southern Grove Pistachios
>Salsa - all varieties - mild, medium, southwest, peach-pineapple
>Olives - green and black
>Grandessa Portabella Mushrooms
>Spices - any variety
>Olive Oil
>Quick oats
>Canned Salmon, tuna, chicken, oysters.
>Grandessa RICE - Brown and Basmati
>Grandessa Pasta sauce
>Fat free refried beans
>Diced tomatoes
>Black Beans -
>household goods (paper towel, baggies, garbage bags...)
>Cheese - real stuff (block or thick sliced)
>String Cheese
>Grandessa Smoked Chicken Sausage
I tend to choose at least 2 different fruits and Lots of fresh Veggies.....cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, baby carrots, AVOCADO
>frozen section
Boca Burgers, grilled chicken tenderloins, Salmon fillets, Tilapia, Ground Turkey
VEGGIES and FRUIT - berry medley, raspberries, big bag of strawberries
I have heard that early shoppers have a better selection in the produce section. If possible, work it into your schedule to get in there the first half of the day.
I go grocery shopping once a week - I spend - on average - about $20 at Aldi's and $20 at Kroger (a list for another time). I stock up on essentials about 1 a month which adds another $20 - $40 to my bill (includes household items as well). I feed myself, my husband and my 6-year-old son (I pack his school lunch and afternoon snack every day).
So yes you can eat healthy on a budget!
The biggest help is PLANNING your meals ahead of time - it save you time, money and energy! Knowing exactly what you need will prevent you from spending money on things you DO NOT need and eliminate wasting money on foods not used that end up going bad.
Every meal I make, I always take a moment to see how I can reuse at least one item over the next day or two.
Consolidate and be Creative. You will surprise yourself!
PLUS....this is all about managing those calories. Once you are aware, you see how to use these calories and yummy, family-friendly foods to your advantage!
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Quick Tips to Getting Started
What you NEED to Know to go from
Frumpy to Fit and Fabulous
Your Fit Yummy Mummy "Quick Tips" beginner's guide
Each pound of fat on our body consists of 3500 calories, so for each pound of fat you want to lose you must burn 3500 calories. That is burning an extra 500 calories a day for a week just to lose one pound of fat.
Healthy fat loss is about 1-2 pounds of body fat each week.
Eating 500 less calories a day is much easier than burning off 500 calories a day.
Weight loss without exercise will only lead you to a dead end as you will have to starve yourself to lose 1 to 2 pounds each week...bringing your metabolism to a screeching halt and causing you a tremendous amount of undo stress, uncontrollable cravings and more mood swings than anyone can handle.
Exercise not only boosts your metabolism and burns fat, it energizes you and is the only way to ReShape your Mommy Body.
So - Yes you begin by MOVING!
And starting off at a pace that is doable for your busy schedule by implementing the Fit Yummy Mummy short burst workouts and intervals.
But you also need to be aware of how the food you put in your body will affect the exercise's ability to get you noticeable results.
SO - as far as EATING goes....The best place to start is with a food log.
Write down what you eat - you will become aware - and you will make changes on your own before I even begin!
Finally, know it's all a matter of replacing the "not-so-supportive" habits we have, with habits that will cause us to feel good, look good and do more for ourselves and with our families.
Life WILL become more blissful and rewarding!
Sure I've been accused of being overly optimistic....but what
harm can that do?
What harm can feeling "yuck" all day long do?
Weigh out the pros and cons (take the time to write it out to have more of a dramatic impact) and ...oh my - the choice is obvious.
I wish you the best as you begin I have no doubt you become a Fit Yummy Mummy success story!
Your Fitness Coach
Holly Rigsby