Friday, February 29, 2008

Bikni Ready Body Deadline

Wouldn't it be nice to wear a bikini without the Cover Up?

What are you Waiting For?

The Fit Yummy Mummy 12 Week Transformation Challenge officially begins tomorrow - that means you have until Midnight tonight to grab your copy, join ClubFYM, get Registered and Begin seeing and feeling Results!

There are over 150 courageous women who are willing to do what it takes to make their transformation into a reality.

Ages range from 20 to 66!

Women from all over the world! US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, China, Malaysia, Egypt, South Africa....

You too can be a part of this amazing group of women! Meet them at ClubFYM!

"Wow, I had to get on here just to RAVE about the changes I'm having!!! It struck me last week that I could suddenly see firmness where before there was just flab!! My arms & legs have definitely taken more shape and my clothes are starting to feel looser." ~ Lisa Shaw

"I want to have a firm tummy and erase the muffin top but more importantly, my goal is to have a healthy transformation so I can be an example to the teenage girls I teach. And, of course, I want to begin a pattern of healthy diet and exercise so that my soon-to-be four-year-old daughter will develop a healthy image of her body. I want to give to her what I did not get growing up." ~ Michele B

"My main goal is to lose the belly so that people stop asking me if I'm pregnant!"

"I want others to look at my husband and me and think - 'man, he's lucky'!"

"I want to say in 2 months, Bring on the summer clothes!!!!!"

"I must admit it would be nice to shop for swim wear that reveals a little rather than covers up!"

"I'd like to be confident in a swimming suit and not dread the moment I have to remove my cover up"

"I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and be proud of my body"

What do YOU want?

Consider Leap Day your second chance to take the action necessary to Get You Results!

Grab Fit Yummy Mummy and Join ClubFYM Today!

Experience for yourself what the Transformation Challenge can do for YOU!

"There is no going back now….I am committed!"

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