Dax Moy
The most inspirational man you will ever listen to - or have the pleasure of meeting - who has developed the most powerful goal achievement program - The Magic Hundred - has set yet another amazing goal.
This 100 day goal setting program has helped him to visit the Amazon, the Australian Outback, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Venice, Pisa, Florence, Rome, free falled over the Great Barrier Reef, Swam in Crocodile and Pirhana infested rivers, scuba dived with giant Manta Ray in the Red Sea and survived the Tsunami with my family in Thailand....and even arrange a meeting to meet the Queen within a two week span of setting this amazing goal.
With that, Dax is at it again.
He has set a goal to appear on Oprah within the next 100 days. As we all know - this is no small feat. So Dax has asked his supporters to give a hand in helping to make this possible.
Here is a message from Dax:
"After yesterday's post about being invited to meet the Queen I was sitting around thinking "Who else would I really like to meet? Who could really help me spread the message about achieving great success with their goals and dreams?"
Then I thought... "OPRAH!" and with that, my mad plan to get on Oprah was born : )
And I need YOUR help to accomplish this very, very, VERY tough goal within the next 100 days. (Do you know how hard it is to get on the show?)
I need you to visit this link
and explain why you think that the MAGIC Hundred would be a great story for the viewers of the show.
It doesn't have to be an essay or anything but ANYTHING you can say to show the potency of the MAGIC Hundred approach (like how it's helped you or how different it is to other methods you've tried) will help make my goal a reality.
What's in it for you?
Well, there's a kind of unwritten rule that says that whenever you ask a person to do something for you, you should always make it clear what's in it for them.
In this case, I can't truly say that there will be anything in it for you.
There are no free gifts, no 'bonus' downloads, no money-off vouchers and such. Partly because I don't want 'bribery' to be the reason I get on the show and partly because I feel it would cheapen what I'm trying to do here.
So I guess there's nothing in it for you to help me.
But I hope you will.
I hope you have felt in some way touched by the MAGIC Hundred and see the true value in it not only for yourself but for those who have yet to learn that there's a better way to get the things you want from life.
If you do then please pop on over and tell Oprah's editorial team all about it at http://www2.oprah.com/email/reach/email_showideas.jhtml
It'll only take you around a minute but will make a huge difference not only to myself but to all those people who've never even heard about the program.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Truth, Joy and Love
The Magic Hundred
It's A Kinda Magic!
P.S - If you DO petition Oprah then please leave a comment here on the blog so that I can figure out how many of you are involved in the 'totally unrealistic' and crazy goal of mine : )
P.P.S - You wouldn't believe how many of the things I've already accomplished have been totally unrealistic and crazy!
For all that Dax has done to help the Fit Yummy Mummy's here achieve their fat loss goals, I thought it would be nice to return the favor and help him out on his Quest to appear on Oprah.
For those of you who are new to ClubFYM, you can see more of what Dax has to offer you by visiting:
A Detox for Fat Loss?
and by Joining the Elimination Diet Group, there you will find a free audio interview as well.
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