Take it Outside!
What better way to love your summer workout than to take it outside and add some fun by going to the local playground!
That is exactly what Debbie and I did Monday afternoon. It was our last session together as our training company has come to a close here in E'town as new business ventures open- so my time training Debbie was quite meaningful.
She loves the variety of the short burst resistance training workouts I design for her - and after 2 years of working together, she has just about seen it all.....or so she thought! I love surprising her with new techniques and new ways to make her usual workouts feel twice as challenging.
So Monday I decided to show her - that there was still More she could experience.
What follows is her Playground Workout. She plans on incorporating this into her workout schedule once a week when the weather is nice enough to allow it.
Playground Workout
Perform each super set 3-4 times in a row with little to no rest before moving on to the next super set. Ex: A1 A2, A1 A2, A1 A2 – rest B1 B2, B1 B2, B1 B2- rest….etc.
A1: Box Jumps - 10 to 12

A2: Assisted Pull Ups -8 to 10

B1: One Leg Squat -6 to 8 each leg

B2: Assisted Push Ups - 12 to 15

C1: Hanging Knee Raise - 8 to 10

C2: Bear Crawl: Crawl for designated distance

Your short burst, playground workout should take about 10-15 minutes. This gives your body the zest it needs to burn more fat and calories for the next 24-48 hours.
Be sure you wear sunscreen and bring plenty of water!
Thank you Debbie
I have truly enjoy working with you. Your dedication and sparkling attitude is one of the many reasons why I looked forward to our sessions together. I am proud of all you have accomplished and all you will continue to achieve!

For more fat burning, short burst resistance training workouts, be sure to grab your copy of Fit Yummy Mummy and have FUN as you burn off that belly fat!
Fit Yummy Mummy
Looking for the accountability and motivation that Debbie has experienced?
Be sure to join the 12 Week Summer Transformation Challenge! Deadline to enroll is July 3oth....join hundreds of Fit Yummy Mummy's and begin your Summer Slim Down Today!

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HI Holly
Thanks for the playground workout ideas. I am 2 days away from my big 3 week holiday, this is exactly what i needed. You also show us that we do not need fancy equipment to get an awesome workout.
Hey Holly,
Thank you for the playground ideas! I will definitely use them when we will be on holidays in the Chech country... leave our kids stunned... not to mention my mom ;-D
H'm, that last comment was mine, although it has my hubby's name ;-D
Dutch hugs,
Diana van Loo
Holly- this is brilliant! GREAT workout ideas!!
Hi Holly,
Thank you for these great ideas!
Joing to the playground with the children has just become more interesting for me and I can't wait to go to the playground!
Thank you, have a great day!
Hilary Yaltirik
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