"Mommy Belly" Busters
Flat Abs - The Ultimate sign of Success for so many women - especially Moms!
To just feel good about the way our body looks and feels in the outfits we wear as well as when we take them off!
How often have you looked long and hard in the mirror at your belly? How do you feel about what you see? Embarrassed, ashamed angry that you may be stuck with this stubborn fat for good?This July make it your mission to banish your mommy belly and feel the confidence you long to have.
Get a Jump Start on banishing your Jello Belly with these Top 3 "Mommy Belly" Busters:
~ The BEST Exercise to burn Belly Fat is....
Sure, including Ab exercises as part of your routine is beneficial for strength purposes, but the truth is - no amount of "ab exercises" will make the fat on your belly disappear and help you achieve flat, sexy abs. You can make so much more headway by taking the time you spend doing "ab" exercises and instead focus on the moves that actually help you Burn More Fat!
~ Use it or Lose it:
Switch to a total body approach – using resistance training to work your upper body, lower body and core with exercises that incorporate many muscles at once will increase your lean muscle. Muscle is the heart and soul of your metabolism - it is what burns the fat! If you are not using the largest muscles in your body - you are missing out on the most powerful way to burn more belly fat - all day long...even when you sleep!
~ Eliminate the Junk
You've heard the phrase - great abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. There is no doubt about it - the best exercises and the most carefully designed fat loss plans will do very little to help you eliminate the fat covering your tummy if you choose to eat foods that only teach your body to store more fat. Toss the highly processed, empty calorie junk and choose to eat filling, belly flattening, metabolism boosting foods every 3 to 4 hours.
Best choices: proteins - chicken, fish and nuts and produce - high fiber fruits and veggies.
Take the NEXT Step and Get a Complete Bikini Abs Makeover...
What Exactly Is Bikini Abs Makeover?
Bikini Abs Makeover is a complete step-by-step system designed to use minimal equipment to burn fat at rapid speeds and develop sleek & sexy Bikini ready Abs. The workout and training programs can be used in your own backyard, at your local park, or even on a hiking trail – as well as in a gym setting.
The Bikini Abs Makeover consists of 11 Intense Phases, from beginner to advanced, laid out for you over an 12- week period with specifically sequenced fat burning exercises, complete with the exact sets, reps, and rest periods for optimal fat burning results. Armed with over 20 workouts in all, it goes into full detail outlining the 21 Best Exercises for Blasting Fat Off Your Pooch Belly At Record Speeds without ever having to step foot into a regular gym.
AND....The Ultimate Bikini Abs Makeover Video Encyclopedia: Not only are all the exercises laid out in the Bikini Abs ebook, but you'll also get Access to this Exclusive Video Library of Every single Exercise included in the Bikini Abs Makeover program. If you're more of a "Learn By Watching" type of person, this will be absolutely invaluable!With over 20 Workouts, 11 Fat Loss Phases, Detailed Nutrition Programs to Get you going, PLUS A COMPLETE Built-In SUPPORT SYSTEM Ready to help catapult you toward your goals, there is no doubt - you will get flat tummy results!
20 Fat Burning, Body Sculpting Exercises Guaranteed to Help You Break through the Barrier that's Always Been Holding You Back!

Special Offer
For The Next 30 People Who Order!
Order by July 9 at 4:00 PM Eastern and get on a private phone call with Mom's Fitness Expert Holly Rigsby
and Abs Expert Scott Colby
Scott and I look forward to working with you
as you achieve your bikini ready abs!
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