Monday, December 3, 2007

Meet Christina: Fit Yummy Mummy in the Making

Christina Shares her Fit Yummy Mummy Transformation.

3 Weeks in and this Busy Mom is Making Progress!

Well as I said when I started this - this would be real life - and after incorporating FYM principles -

~ I found out that I like blueberries and walnuts
~ Eating every three hours makes it easier to choose healthy foods for your next meal
~ Eating isn't about hunting around your kitchen - it's about planning.

~ Set small goals - and keep working on them - reevaluate often

How my life has changed: I am still pushing myself to make breakfast - a healthy breakfast - when I make my sons in the am. With the rush of the morning I often just drank coffee for two hours then ate waffles or something mindless. But now I force myself to eat blueberries and oatmeal and on really good days - I work in the egg whites right away - on other days I'll wait until my son eats then go back and make my egg whites. Oh yes - and I'm drinking less coffee in the am - just don't feel like I need it as much :)

But a lesson I have learned - eating a good breakfast like the one I mentioned - sets up your day for success.

We are all busy - and my life is no different.

I run two businesses from home (

I take care of my one year old son

Plus, I have an active social calendar - so remembering to eat every three hours is a work in progress.

After finding my breakfast that works for me, and some healthy portable snacks, I'm still trying to find a flow for lunch and dinners, easy - quick and healthy.

I'm not getting discouraged. Everyday when I choose my yogurt and walnut snack instead of my old standby - crackers - I have succeeded.

I think you have to expect the process of weight loss and the FYM program to take some time to get used to - otherwise - if losing weight was that easy - the USA wouldn't have an obesity problem. Holly's encouragement and emails provide the continued support needed.

So.....after 3 weeks I have noticed that my jeans are fitting better and I have been able to get back into my sz. 8 jeans that I wore before I was pregnant.

I just feel better about not having the guilt of having a "bad" day.

I'm going to do this Holly - I am. It will be at my own pace and I won't be discouraged.

~~~ Thanks for sharing Christina! You can check out her progress at

Why not Begin your Yummy Transformation Today?

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